2023: Make Self-Care A Priority
As 2022 ends (yeah we know, where did the year go!) hello 2023 I wanted to compile a simple list of ways to prioritize self-care. We so easily get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and we forget to take time for ourselves. To take a moment, breathe, pause, stand still and exhale. For too many years, I have been plagued and guilty of, putting myself last. As a matter of fact I thought I HAD TO. This is a lie we tell ourselves. If we don't take time for ourselves and put US first...how will we have anything to give if our cups our constantly empty?
It can be as simple as giving longer hugs, waking up early to watch the sunrise, calling a friend just because - it's anything that helps boost your mood and releases those positive endorphins in the body. Below, are some ways to prioritize self-care without breaking the bank. Please let us know how these worked for you, we'd love to hear from you!
Simple steps to prioritize self-care:
-Call someone you care about just to simply say 'I love you.'
-Say no to things you genuinely don’t want to do.
-Wake up earlier and watch the sunrise with a cup of coffee. Break your routine.
-Do something for someone else.
-Take a mental health/recharge day.
-Set boundaries with family and coworkers.
-Do a face mask or at home face massage with a jade roller or gua shua.
-Connect with friends—all it takes is a call or text with a close friend to kick off a solid conversation full of laughs, which is an instant way to release endorphins.
-Give yourself an at-home manicure and pedicure.
-Take a walk or go on a run and be in nature. Take your shoes off and ground your feet to the earth.
-If you belong to a gym do something you haven't tried before like salsa dancing.
-Try 20 minutes of yoga at home. We like to sometimes follow a YouTube video if we feel lost.
-Read that book you have been procrastinating on reading.
-Give longer hugs. (Did you know: the average hug lasts 3 seconds, but to really reap the benefits of the hug, 15 to 20 seconds is what releases that feel-good “love hormone” we all crave, oxytocin. Hugs are simply the best.